Swabian towns in Bavaria


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  • Dear visitors,

    Hardly any other Bavarian region shows such a variety of towns and such a distinctive urban culture as the Bavarian part of Swabia. The former free imperial towns seem to be a string of pearls, residence towns display manorial splendor, country towns reflect the prosperity of a busy and self-confident rural area. There is much to see and to discover in these towns: Roman excavations, pieces of art out of any era, historic buildings, intact historic town centers, and interesting museums.

    Strolling through the romantic alleys, shopping or stopping for a bite to eat you will sense the typical Swabian way of life. Unmistakable and peculiar. Relaxed and convivial, curious and open-minded, traditional but modern. Typically Swabian. What else?

    The Swabian towns in Bavaria culturally highlight the region. With theater, music, historic celebrations and many other prevailing activities. And the rich charm of a grown town culture.

    We are looking forward to your visit.

    Request a brochure

      Bitte senden Sie mir Informationen zu folgenden Städten:

      Name, Vorname (Pflichtfeld)

      Straße, Nr. (Pflichtfeld)

      PLZ, Ort (Pflichtfeld)

      Ihre E-Mail-Adresse (Pflichtfeld)

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    • Contact

      Geschäftsstelle Touristik-Arbeitsgemeinschaft
      “Schwabenstädte in Bayern”
      Marktplatz 2
      86720 Nördlingen

      Telefon: ‭09081 84116‬
      Telefax: 09081 84113‬
      E-Mail: schwabenstaedte@noerdlingen.de

      Upcoming events

      • 28.07. Rain am Lech

        Jakobimarkt in der Innenstadt
        von 09:00 – 18:00 Uhr

      • 01.01.- 31.12. Rain am Lech

        Stadtführungen für Jedermann
        Treffpunkt: Tilly-Denkmal
        um 14:00 Uhr
        (1. Sonntag des Monats)

      • 08.09. Rain am Lech

        Herbstmarkt in der Innenstadt
        von 09:00 – 18:00 Uhr

      • 10.11. Rain am Lech

        Martinimarkt in der Innenstadt
        von 10:00 – 18:00 Uhr

      • 12.12.- 15.12. Rain am Lech

        14. Rainer Schlossweihnacht
        auf dem Schlossgelände

      More dates